Organic Recycling Requirements

In compliance with California Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383)

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Organics Recycling has Changed in California

Residents across California are now required to recycle organic waste items, such as food scraps and yard trimmings. SB1383, a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants, requires all California cities, including Lancaster, to reduce organic material waste. It also requires communities to rescue surplus food sources from commercial establishments to feed Californians facing food insecurity (instead of letting them go to waste).

This means changes have been put into place regarding how we ask our residents to sort their organic waste, and in how our City’s waste hauler, WM, collects and processes organic materials. The City of Lancaster has partnered with WM to ensure that this legislation has the minimum impact possible on our residents. During this period of transition, we appreciate our community’s cooperation and dedication to the State's goal of creating a more sustainable future.

What is your role?

residentsResidents: Lancaster is partnering with our waste hauler, WM, to provide safe and reliable curbside collection services for residents. The City of Lancaster's organic waste collection program enables you to dispose of your organic waste in your organic waste bin provided by WM. This is the same bin you have been using to separate out greenwaste in the past. Now you are able to place both your greenwaste and food waste together into this bin. Due to this change it is now referred to as the organics bin. For more information on how to properly identify and dispose of organic waste please reference the Residential Waste and Recycling Services Guide (English, Spanish). For more details on how to comply with California's new food donation law, please refer to this brochure



Commercial Businesses / Multi-Family Properties: Check out these food recovery resources to learn more about edible food donation requirements. If you have additional questions, please contact the WM at (661) 947-7197.



Bin Inspections:

As part of the requirements of California’s Organics Recycling Law, City authorized staff will be performing lid flips in your neighborhood between October 21 and November 8 to perform a visual inspection of the contents. Households will receive a cart hanger or label with feedback on proper recycling as part of our efforts to sort trash, recyclables, and organics correctly! We appreciate your cooperation. 


WM Recycling Tips:

Local Food Recovery Organizations

🥦Boulevard Community Church - Our Daily Bread Food Outreach Ministry
🍓Grace Resources
🍅Helping Hands Feeding Children
🥒Hope Chapel Foursquare Church
🍇Lancaster United Methodist Church
🥕Living Water Worship Center
🍊The Lord's House of Refuge
🍎The Salvation Army Antelope Valley Corps Community Center
🍋Voices of Our Youth

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SB 1383 & Organics Recycling FAQ

What is SB 1383?
What does SB 1383 mean for me?
How am I supposed to sort my trash?
Will I get a new cart for organic waste? When will my carts be replaced?
Will my WM bill go up?
What is the City of Lancaster doing to help residents with the impacts of SB 1383?
What is organic waste?
What items are considered organic waste? What items are NOT considered organic waste?
Why are the requirements changing?
Where will organic waste go?
Where will recovered surplus edible food go?
Am I required to participate? What if I don’t change anything about how I dispose of my trash?
What goes where? Waste and Recycling Service Guide