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Graffiti Removal
Graffiti, sadly enough, is a constant problem in most cities. Not only is it illegal, but it is unsightly and can be expensive to remove. To help combat this problem, the City of Lancaster has a Graffiti Removal team to help take down graffiti in a timely and professional fashion.
If you are the victim of vandalism involving graffiti, or if you see graffiti on public property adjacent to or near your property, please call the Lancaster Sheriff's Station first at (661) 948-8466 to file a report. The vast majority of "taggers" aren't just one-hit-wonders - they vandalize time after time until they are caught. Since most taggers operate in a specific area, police reports are critical to tracking and catching these criminals.
If for any reason you feel that you cannot wait for a report to be taken before removing the graffiti, be sure to take detailed color photographs of the graffiti before removing it, and submit the photos (or color copies) to the officer when the vandalism report is taken.
To report graffiti for removal, call the Graffiti Removal hotline at (661) 723-5977, or send an email to (subject "Graffiti Removal"). You will need to provide your name and phone number along with the exact address or nearest cross-streets and good description of the location, the position of the graffiti at that location (i.e. on a wall, a sign, the sidewalk, etc.), and a description of the graffiti itself, including color, material used (if known), and if the graffiti contains any obscenities. The hotline is only staffed during City business hours, but a voicemail box is available for you to leave this information at any time. Remember, through the crew makes every effort to respond to requests within 48 hours, this is not always possible.